Talisman to attract money with his own hands (photo).

To succeed in money matters, need a strong motivation, a steel willpower and an overwhelming desire to move forward. If a person aim to catch the wave to financial prosperity, he will surely need talismans to attract money and luck. No wonder in the East they were used as magnets to attract financial prosperity. You can, of course, to achieve his own, but a bit of luck in the financial aspect does not hurt. The main conditions in order for the mascot is actually attracted to the life of wealth is really to believe in the power of the subject.

amulet for money

Charms to attract money: photo and description

There are various charms to attract money. Some of them can be purchased in stores of esoterics and Eastern culture. The mascots are also distinguished by the method of application. One of them should carry in your purse or pocket for the money in the bag, others are stationary in the house, acting as a magnet for material prosperity of the family.

Irredeemable bill

The most simple talisman to attract money – Irredeemable bill. The greater the value, the bigger the profit it will bring. For this fit the bill obtained as a result of the transaction, wage or fee. Also a good option is the amount together with the purse. Because empty it is not customary to give. A bill the largest denomination should be put in a wallet, separately from the bulk of the funds. However, it is desirable that it was visible.

This should be done on the increasing or new moon. In this advance money is better to hold in front of her light, they might be filled with powerful energy of attraction. And, of course, it is important to observe the main condition – not to change the bill, no matter what circumstances you are not caught up.

Bill with the code

There is also a way to create a talisman to attract money received from wages. You need the whole heap to choose bill, code and code which will coincide with the first letters of your name and date of birth. Quite a suitable inscription hard to find. It is therefore suitable partial similarity. Over the libellum should produce a magical ritual which will give it a powerful energy charge.

For this it is necessary to conduct bergamot oil, then roll into a tube and tied with thread of green color, and the ends of the tie three times. Inside, you have to put dry sage, and seal it both sides with melted green wax. The resulting mascot is safely hidden from prying eyes in a secluded place.

Feng Shui and money

Feng Shui

Becoming increasingly popular amulets and talismans to attract money borrowed from Feng Shui. Their variety will help you choose a suitable option. To attract wealth use:

  • 3 gold coin with a hole in the middle, connected by a red thread. They can carry or place in the money sector of the house;
  • statues tenens tres tripodes frogs lying on the coins, a pot-bellied monk Khotey who sits with a bag of wealth and wisdom, as well as a sailboat, pointed at the center of the room;
  • a decorative fountain or a miniature waterfall, which is a symbol of the cycle of Finance;
  • the tree on which the leaves grow instead of coin;
  • aquarium with goldfish.

Color and money

It is also believed that clothes and accessories are pink, green, gold and black are magnets for attracting money. These shades are often used in the interior in the area that is responsible for the income of the family.

Make yourself an amulet

If you decide to make a talisman to attract money with his own hands, he had initially to be saturatioribus your energy. It enhances the magnetic properties, which effectively attract the financial flow in a person's life. In General, only made in person and with his hands the talisman, with all the necessary rituals, ensures that it will actually work. An amulet purchased in the store, may be the usual Souvenirs, not bearing absolutely no energy potential.

To make a talisman to attract money, you will need: candle of green wax, the same square from the same material, the tablecloth is red, eucalyptus leaf, metal coin the largest denomination, and bergamot oil.

How to create a mascot

  1. Do the ritual to attract money, we recommend that on Thursday, when the moon is in growing phase.
  2. When the clock shows midnight, should be spread out a tablecloth and light a candle, before which to place the cut fabric.
  3. In the middle you have to place the eucalyptus on which is placed a coin.
  4. After this you need to sit in front of a tablecloth and focus. Looking at the coin, it inténde in mind the desired amount of funds.
  5. Further eucalyptus the letter, along with denarium to put on the cloth and say 3 times the spell – the money, let it be as you want. Then roll it with the envelope to have with you.


You can also make a talisman to attract money for the house, so the family budget has never had to patch the hole. For this approach a variant of the pouch. You need to take a small piece of fabric. Using needle and thread to sew a simple pouch.

It should put a coin from a penny to the ruble, asperget oil of eucalyptus. After filling, the bag must tie a red thread and place it in a secret place, where no one can see. To carry out a similar ritual is also needed on Thursday. Next weekly will need to get the talisman and just keep it in your hands, not opening it. Thus, he will feed off your energy, and bring good luck. It is impossible to make this talisman for someone. No value and magnetism is such a thing that will not have.


Effective talisman to attract money in the wallet matched anywhere coin, with the exception of the intersection. At midnight when the moon is waxing (preferably Thursday), need to light a candle. Thus it is necessary to repeat 7 times the following words: "the Coin loqui, attract good luck your own. The rest of the way to find me and they will come. My words are strong, fire annealed Yes, strengthened by faith!" After reciting the candle and let it remain ardet ex. Coin-talisman, you should always carry in your wallet.



There are also ready-made talismans to attract money. This coin, through the hole in which amet a red silk thread or ribbon. Such a talisman works in several directions at once. The color red stimulates the flow of energy, coins are a magnet for money. This talisman is versatile and has great strength. It can be worn always with you, e.g. in your wallet, or placed in a hidden and inaccessible to prying eyes place at work or at home.

If you have decided that a mascot is better to keep in your home, it is optimal for him to be a fabric envelope. It can be placed under the pot where the flower grows. The greater it will become, the stronger will be the impact of the mascot on your financial situation. Only it is from time to time to glance for the exchange of energy.

Key and runes

Talisman to attract money can be in the form of a key to the safe, Cabinet or box where you store your money. If you carry it always with me, thus is laid the power relationship, which is the conduit for money potential in the housing. In wallet, you can also put runes, attracting financial wave, - Othel and Fehu. They can be made independently on fabric, leather or wood. Then put in the clear division of the purse.

That money really came...

In addition, there are talismans to attract money, there is also a list of recommendations, which can be attributed to the signs. For example, you cannot sweep away the crumbs from the table empty hand to count the money after sunset, in the evening to empty the trash, to pass anything through the threshold, funds should not lie dormant, so they should be periodically removed, counted, and, of course, to add. Best store Finance, of course, is the Bank. However, if your trust still more to your own refuge – so be it.



To the General rules, which help to raise money include:

  • the money borrowed from someone, should give bills of smaller denomination, and only on the growing moon, and you need to pay for decrescentes;
  • new moon also need to specify a wallet and a ring of coins, together with it will increase profits;
  • to take money should be fun, and give without regret;
  • bills must be folded and stored in its pure form, as a whole, so they will want to be with you;
  • purse it is recommended to buy red, black, gold or dark green;
  • it is impossible to keep the small change and paper money in one compartment. Whatever your favorite purse, if it becomes frayed, it should be immediately updated.

And finally, money comes to those who love them.